3-6-9 Partitions

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  • Estel
  • The “3” single-glass wall (W 32 mm – 1¼”) meets soundproofing requirements of up to 39 decibels at the lowest cost, maintaining the same functionality as the “6” and “9” partition systems.
  • The “6” double-glass wall (W 64 mm – 2½”) enhances acoustic performance and achieves the highest aesthetic standards with its 64 mm-thick profiles.
  • The Architectural Wall “9” (W 93 mm – 3⅝”) meets the most advanced acoustic insulation requirements and allows for the integration of sophisticated technical elements like “pocket” sliding doors.
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With the new 3-6-9 Partitions System, you have a unique solution for aesthetics, functionality, and sound insulation. The glazed partitions are appreciated for their transparency in open-space environments, while privacy is ensured with wooden panels for executive areas and workstations. The 3-6-9 partitions are also suitable for meeting and training rooms. This versatile system is designed for space planners, facility managers, and architects. Key Features: – Integration with storage partitions (46 cm depth) for use as wardrobes or containers. – High customization with elements of different thicknesses and finishes. – Wide range of height adjustment (up to ±25 mm with 64 mm upper profiles) to reduce alignment errors in floors and ceilings. – Easy to handle and install, offering technical solutions for managing vertical misalignments (up to ±37.5 mm with 64 mm profiles).
glass partitions with black profile

3-6-9 Partitions